Status Codes

The Seekr API follows standard HTTP status codes with each response.

HTTP Status CodeStatusDescription
200SuccessSuccessful request! Check the body for appropriate response.
400Bad RequestSomething was incorrect in the request being made. Examples: missing required parameters for a method, malformed request data or bad format. See the message field for specific reason
401UnauthorizedThe request either had no Authorization header included, was wrongly formatted or the Seekr API key passed is not valid. Please contact us.
403ForbiddenThe Seekr API key passed as valid but does not have permission to access the method it was calling.
404Not FoundIncorrect URL that does not exist. Check the URL for the individual method you are trying to access.
500Internal Server ErrorOops, that wasn't supposed to happen. Something unexpected went wrong on the Seekr API end. This automatically triggers alerts that engineers respond to.
503Service UnavailableService is temporarily unavailable. This is highly uncommon and would be preceded by a notice of scheduled maintenance.

Additional Error Information

Along with the specific the status code, the response will contain additional information about the error with the request. A sample error response will look like this:

  "error": "Bad Request",
  "feedVersion": "1.0.0",
  "message": "The URL is malformed",
  "requestUrl": "",
  "status": 400

The message field will contain useful and specific information about the error to aid the developer in resolving the problem.